速報APP / 汽車與車輛 / mooDy Remote

mooDy Remote





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



mooDy Remote(圖1)-速報App

*This is a newer App, with improved features and far more stability*

mooDy is a product the world has never seen before. With it's revolutionary design and mind-blowing application, your ride would become all the more fun and exciting. Calling it just a display would be an injustice to mooDy. It is more; much more.

To learn more about the product visit https://www.voidron.com/moody

This Application has been developed to grant you complete control of mooDy, letting you tinker with it in whatever way you prefer.

mooDy Remote(圖2)-速報App

- Improved UI with sleek and beautiful design

- 3 text fields with a limit of 47 characters each. The text in these fields would periodically roll across the display screen.

- Provision to control the speed with which the text rolls across the screen

- Option for text styling with Bold type

mooDy Remote(圖3)-速報App

- A text simulator to give an idea how to the text would like on the device with different speed settings.

- Provision for controlling brake and tilt sensitivity to further fine tune the device performance as per your requirement

- Custom Animations Enabled allowing you to design animations with complete freedom

- Auto detect previous device settings to prevent overwrite

mooDy Remote(圖4)-速報App

- Reset option to quickly restore device back to factory defaults

- In-app help screen

For detailed steps please refer the "Setup Guide" provided along with the product or visit https://www.voidron.com/moody/help

Designed & Developed by Voidron Co.

mooDy Remote(圖5)-速報App

*** For Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher***

mooDy Remote(圖6)-速報App